About NLN:
*50% Black Angus, 50% Scottish Highland steer
*2 years old
*No medications or hormones
*Diet of mostly grass, grass hay and some grain
NLN (No Longer Nancy) is available for pre-order now! Phone us at 403-934-6377 (403-weg-ners) or email meat@wegners.ca to reserve your meat from NLN!
*Ready for pickup or delivery in late February
*In 1/4 beef and 1/2 beef quantities
*Full beef will likely be 400-500 lbs
*Current market rate is $6.00/lb for all Natural Beef; cut and packaged
*1/4 will be $600-$750, 100-125 lbs
*A variety of steaks, roast, ribs and ground beef. Sausage and jerky on request
*Order before January 30 to select your own cuts
*Highland beef is recognized for its high nutritional value and lean, well marblized consistency.
The person we got Nancy (Emily named Nancy), Roseanne (Rachel named
Roseanne) and Charlie (Miki named Charlie) from said that there were two
hiefers and a bull. We castrated Charlie, but never checked to see if Roseanne
or Nancy were bulls. As they got bigger we realized that Nancy was a bull.
Emily decided she had to change the name so she named the bull NLN for No
Longer Nancy. (all sold out)